Weeds are unsightly plants that steal nutrients from your grass, and there are four to be on the lookout for that commonly invade lawns in Tennessee: crabgrass, dallisgrass, goosegrass, and dandelion. Crabgrass has long stems that branch off in several directions and is very difficult to eliminate. Dallisgrass is typically short and appears in small clumps that look like normal grass. Goosegrass often has a white spot at the center of the weed. Finally, dandelions are widely recognizable and spread very easily. All of these weeds are best handled with professional pre- and post-emergent weed control treatments.
1. Crabgrass

Crabgrass is an extremely common weed here in Tennessee, and it often sprouts in areas where it’s hot and dry in the summer. Typically, crabgrass has pointed, light green leaves and stems that branch off in many directions. If it’s left untreated, crabgrass can grow over 2 feet tall. It’s a very difficult weed to control, so it’s best to get on top of it before it has a chance to make a home on your lawn. Professional pre-emergent treatments will help prevent crabgrass from sprouting, while post-emergents will get rid of any that already has.
2. Dallisgrass

Dallisgrass is a perennial weed that typically appears in the summer. Dallisgrass is usually a very distinctive green-gray color, and the leaves are short and smooth. It’s a very difficult weed to control because it can spread through seeds and underground stems called rhizomes. The best course of action is to schedule pre- and post-emergent weed control treatments to prevent it from sprouting and eliminate any existing growth on your lawn.
3. Goosegrass

Goosegrass often sprouts on lawns in Tennessee where the soil is densely compacted and sees frequent foot or vehicle traffic. The center of goosegrass is typically white and flattened on the ground, and it has smooth leaves. This weed often germinates in the spring and sprouts in the summer, so it’s important to jump on weed control treatments quickly to keep it from taking over your turf.
Goosegrass can produce up to 50,000 additional seeds!
4. Dandelion

Dandelions are one of the most easily recognizable weeds you’ll find here in Tennessee. Dandelions can either have short or long stems and at the top of them, there will either be a yellow flower or a little, white puffball, depending on what stage it's in of its life cycle. That white puffball is a clump of seeds, and when dislodged by the wind, they can scatter and start developing new dandelions in the soil. Dandelions are also able to adapt to several different types of soil and environments, so this along with how easily they spread makes them very difficult to control. It’s best to get on top of them through pre- and post-emergent treatments from your local lawn care professional as soon as possible so you don’t risk them stealing nutrients from your lawn.
Call us today to sign up for our weed control program!
Are you worried about weeds sprouting on your property? If so, we're here to help! At Picture Perfect Landscapes, we offer an incredibly comprehensive weed control program that will make sure weeds like crabgrass, dallisgrass, goosegrass, and dandelion don't stand a chance. We use both pre- and post-emergent treatments to ensure that you achieve a weed-free lawn. Our weed control program also includes fertilization treatments, so we'll make sure it gets the nutrients it needs to thrive while keeping pesky weeds at bay.
We offer our weed control program to residential and commercial property owners, as well as HOAs, in Memphis, Midtown Memphis, East Memphis, and the surrounding areas in Tennessee. Give us a call today at (901) 246-7656 to get started!
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