Weed Control Services for Properties in Memphis, TN or Nearby Areas Such As Midtown Memphis & East Memphis
We offer both pre and post-emergent liquid weed control treatments.

Picture this - you have finally reached your lawn goals and you're enjoying your lush, green grass when, suddenly, you notice a few weeds popping up here and there. As time goes on, those weeds start to grow and spread throughout your lawn, taking your lawn back to square one. Don't worry - our team is here to help. We offer liquid weed control treatments that include both pre-emergent and post-emergent applications.
Protect your lawn against common weeds like nutsedge, fireweed, and kyllinga by signing up for our weed control program today. We service the Memphis, TN area, including nearby areas like Midtown Memphis and East Memphis.
Our Company Uses Liquid Weed Control Treatments for Effective & Efficient Results
Liquid weed control is simply the mix of herbicides and water. This mixture can be applied using a hose, making it extremely easy to have as much control as possible and cover the lawn evenly. This also helps control the amount of herbicides applied to the lawn, ensuring that not too much or too little is added at one time. Liquid weed control can also coat small leaf surfaces, making it more effective and efficient than granular treatments.
We apply pre-emergent or post-emergent weed control treatments depending on the time of the year.
Signing up for our weed control program will give your lawn protection when it needs it the most. Our crew visits your home or business several times throughout the year to apply either a pre-emergent or a post-emergent treatment, depending on the season.
Late winter - As winter starts to wrap up, we get a head start with pre-emergent treatments to prevent the growth of common broadleaf and grassy weeds in our area. Our crew will also spray post-emergent weed control to take care of annual bluegrass and broadleaf weeds that have already begun to sprout.
Early spring - We apply the same rounds of pre-emergent and post-emergent applications in the early months of spring for extra protection as the weather starts to warm up.
Mid-spring - Our crew will return to your property to apply a post-emergent application as a spot treatment for any weeds that have slipped through our pre-emergent applications.
Late-spring - Another round of post-emergent spot treatments are applied as spring starts to turn into summer.
Mid-summer - We will return to your property when the weather gets hotter to spot-treat some more broadleaf and grassy weeds with our post-emergent application.
Late-summer - As the temperature starts to turn back around into the colder months, it's time for some more pre-emergent treatments. We use Specticle products to prevent winter weeds and annual bluegrass. Next, we add another post-emergent spot treatment.
Fall - We will spray another round of a Specticle pre-emergent application and post-emergent treatments.
Winter - To wrap up the year, our crew will apply one last round of post-emergent weed control.
5-Star Weed Control in Memphis, TN & Nearby Areas
- NALP Member
- ISA Certified Arborist
- Belgard Authorized Contractor
- ICPI Training
Common weeds in Memphis include annual bluegrass, nutsedge, and more.

Our team has been controlling weeds in the Memphis, TN area since 2002. After many years in the industry, we have seen time and time again the weeds that keep showing up in our clients' lawns. The most common weeds that we see around town include:
- Annual Bluegrass
- Nutsedge
- Kyllinga
- Virginia Buttonweed
- Doveweed
- Dallisgrass
- Crabgrass
Don't let weeds take over - enroll in our weed control program today.

We understand how frustrating it can be to see weeds take over your lawn. That's why getting ahead of the game and enrolling in a program with multiple treatments is so important! Our weed control program runs from spring until fall and includes both pre-emergent and post-emergent treatments for a full range of protection. If your home or business is located in Memphis, Midtown Memphis, East Memphis, TN or a nearby area, give our office a call at (901) 246-7656 to enroll today.